The holiday season is upon us. It’s time to get down the decorations, clean the house, and prep the space. But why is it that this always bring on SO much stress? The holidays are supposed to be the most joyous time of the year, and as I sit here saying that out loud, I too chuckle. But, I promise you, if you take the time to read this article, you will learn all the key secrets needed to eradicate that pre-holiday stress! 

Secret 1: Identify Piles and Stacks 

One of the main reasons we find decorating so stressful is because we have nowhere to really put the decorations. We have so much STUFF in our homes- in corners, along every flat surface, streaming the walls, etc. This makes our decorations feel confined or as if they just don’t fit…in which case, they don’t!

So, before you even bring the boxes inside the home from the attic or garage, try first to identify piles and stacks that already exist within the home. Clutter is not our friend here. However, it almost always hides in plain sight. Walk around the house, identifying target areas to eliminate first. Ask yourself, why is this here? 

Secret Two: Get Rid of Old Items 

How many times do you keep something “just in case?” For example, buying a new TV. Why is it that so many of us buy a new item, but hold on to the old? Did you need to keep the old TV “just in case” the new one broke – no. If so, then what’s the point of the new expensive one? 

When you buy something new, always get rid of the old. It is a great way to keep your home from becoming cluttered. Try this with clothes, technology, kitchen appliances, books, etc.

Secret Three: Don’t have too many. 

Much like getting rid of old items when replacing them with new, it’s also important to make sure you only keep what you need. Holding on to only what you need helps eliminate clutter.  Sure, having 6-7 throw blankets are nice, or 10 different pink shirts. But, how many actually get used? Odds are probably 3. The rest just take up space. 

When we do this with multiple aspects of our home, we end up in a chaotic mess. Don’t let this get the best of you. Instead, keep items you love or use often, and donate everything else.

Step Four: Have A Place for Everything 

Once you have eliminated piles and excess items, it is time to make an organized space for everything. I can’t stress this enough, because to me this is the most important step. Everything in your home should have their own home! 

The mail that gathers on the counters or table? Create a space for them and get in the habit of placing them there. Clothes that get thrown on the couch as soon as you enter the door? Provide a coat rack or space to designate clothes. You can go room to room doing this, and I would love to help you along the way! 

Step Five: Decorate

Once everything is situated, sifted through, and organized, it is time to decorate! I promise your decoration process, and decorations themselves, will be less stressful and just seem to fit in a whole lot more with your remaining areas. 

Though this feels like a lot, doing this once a year is a wonderful way to prevent giant cleanouts. Everything revolves around habit: so get in the habit of eliminating clutter and upholding an organized space. 

With COVID and the creeping cold seasons, what else is there to do? Make this a priority, now! Don’t wait. Make sure to give us a call, we would be more than happy to be there for you every step of the way.