Happy New Year!

January is Get Organized (GO) Month. This is the month to be dedicated to raising awareness to the benefits of getting organized. Go it alone, or think about hiring a professional organizer who has the ability to enhance the lives of his/her clients by creating individualized systems and processes, which can help people get organized.

Back in 2005, the Association of Professional Coordinators decided that they wanted to increase awareness of the significance of organization and the value of employing a professional organizer. Studies show that individuals waste up to an hour every day on average, searching for things that they’ve misplaced. As such, The Organize Detroit staff agrees with the sentiment and we all can stand to benefit from getting and staying organized.

Year after year, getting organized is one of the top five New Year’s resolutions; making January the ideal time to “Get Organized.”

Spring is a long time off, so now is the the perfect time to hire someone to come in and help you achieve all of your organizational dreams!

Start by writing down your new year home goals. Once you’ve listed everything out from organizing the closet to clearing out the garage, mark off what things are your top priorities. Once you know your top priorities you can have an expert come in and help you knock these tasks off of your list!

While January is Get Organized Month you do not need to knock out your entire list in 30 days. This month is perfect for starting somewhere and bringing your new organizational skills into every other month of the new year. Make quarterly plans to have an expert come into your home and help you achieve those goals!

Tell us how you plan to get organized this month!